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Welcome to the 146th Toronto Guides

A Better World By Girls

Guiding provides a safe, all-girl environment that invites girls to challenge themselves, to find their voice, meet new friends, have fun and make a difference in the world. Girl Guides of Canada–Guides du Canada (GGC) strives to ensure that girls and women from all walks of life, identities and lived experiences feel a sense of belonging and can fully participate. Girl Guides is an organization with over 100 years of history and a strong and growing future.

Our Unit

Girls in our unit are in grades 4, 5 and 6.  Together we plan which activities and events we want to participate in each year.  We love to camp, play games, craft, explore our great city, help people and animals in our community, and to try new things.

Our Meetings: We meet on Wednesdays from 6:45pm to 8:15pm at Royal York Road United Church.

Our Guiders: Amanda, Danielle, Jo-Anne, Karen, Kate, Kelly, Laura and Lindsay

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